Thursday, December 23, 2010

2, 2, 2 times the fun!

Its been a hot minute, since I have had anything to type.  But I got a few gems stored up.  Let's get started, shall we?

Timmy to me at dinner about a week ago: Mom, when is daddy coming home?
Timmy: cause if he doesn't come home soon, we should just get a new dad...

We've also been trying to get Timmy to count down to Christmas and get excited.  So last night he explained to Dave how Christmas was gonna go down.

Timmy: there is this many days left (holds up 3 fingers) then there is this many (holds up 2 fingers) then this many (holds up 1) THENNNNNNNNNNNNN when I wake up there is NONE.
Dave: and what does that mean?
Timmy: (in a singsong voice) it means that Sannnnnnnnnnnttttttaaaaaaaaa came!  He comes in the chimney, puts presents under the tree then goes back in the chimney.
Dave: then what?
Timmy: then when I wake uppppppp, I come downstairs and see the presents then I wake you up.
Me: what are you going to say?
Timmy: (eye roll) WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Oh
Timmy: then I will wake up Nicky and Sissy, and then we will open our presents.  And Santa will leave presents for me and Sissy and Nicky and I think I am going to get this many (holds up 5 fingers) and he is going to leave candy in my stocking and presents for puppy in his stocking and Sissy doesn't get candy and...
Dave: do I get candy?
Timmy: (exasperated sigh) NO!  You are too old and not a kid. Only kids get candy. (deep breath) there's gonna be lots of presennnnnntttttttsssssss....I can't wait.

And since today is baking/cooking day, I am sure there will be a few more gems.  Hope everyone is having a magical few days before Christmas x0x0x

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From Laura

Just a note to thank you for reading and laughing with me at the ones who make my life what it is!