Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ice Cream

Ice cream. I love it and loathe it all at the same time.  If there was a way to keep ice cream in my house and NOT share it with my kids, we'd have it all the time.  No matter which of my 3 freezers I put popsicles, ice : cream, frozen treat-y goodness in, Timmy finds it.  And usually takes it out and lets it melt on the floor.  I made the mistake last week of buying some ice cream from Schwans.  Timmy has been asking for it every day.

Tonight after dinner, I  promised ice cream to those who finished dinner. I told Timmy "DO NOT ASK ME FOR ICE CREAM" and told him I would tell him when it  was ready. Here is a transcript of the hour after dinner:

Timmy: Mom, can I have ice cream?

Me: No.  Don't ask me. I'll tell you when its time.

3 minutes pass...

Timmy: I'm ready for some ice cream.
Me: NO, if you ask me again, its no! No ice cream.

5 minutes later:

Timmy: Mom, can me and Nicky have ice cream?
Me: NO NO NO!   I told you to stop asking so now you get NO ice cream and NO  cookies.   NOTHING!

15 minutes later:

Timmy: Mom, me and Nik are ready for ice cream.
Me: NO, I told you you aren't having any.
Dave: Nik stop telling him to ask and making him get in trouble.
Nik (with shit eating grin on his  face): I'm NOT! I just came down to ask if I could have some.
Me: NO! I told Timmy to stop asking, and he keeps asking to no no no, neither of you get ice cream.
Timmy: :::sigh and walks away::::: Nicky we need a new plan
Nik: Shhhhh
Dave: :::looks at me trying not to laugh::::
Timmy: Nik, we need a new plan.  Mommy doesn't want me to ask. I just wanted ice cream.

Seriously?  Sigh. So no ice cream for the Jo kids.  Let's  see if they figure out that sometimes remaining silent is better than opening your mouth (or getting the baby brother to do it.)  Although, somehow, I doubt it.

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From Laura

Just a note to thank you for reading and laughing with me at the ones who make my life what it is!